
Showing posts from 2016

Anger: The Game Changer

  Success isn’t only to get a good a job, Be able to shout slogans and gather huge mob. What makes us powerful Is to control our anger, Tame it, nurture it and use it as a changer. We ignore our values It has been found often, We burst everywhere and Start arguing now and then. Rather than shouting To be the winner of the time We should wait for the Exact moment and save the words dime.                                                                          Priyanka D Anugrah


I work late night and my schedule is tight, Sometimes I get filled to my core but I never  wish  to fight. I am talented, I am genius and I have the caliber, Yes I agree and appreciate that I am a teacher. I am proud to be one, who is never tired, Though sometimes I feel trapped but yet inspired. Trapped because I am not allowed to be unique, Still I believe I am worthy to be geek I am always concerned what my students are up to And what's the matter Yes, I do agree and repeat I am a teacher. Monthly PTM's I attend with zeal, I am always ready to welcome parents And of course their squeal. I am friend of my students and I am their foe, I know exactly how to make buns of the dough. I know how to tame them to sensible creature, Yes I agree and repeat that I am a teacher. I support them in distress and in torments big or small, What awards me, as a conclusion is their smile that's all. Some of them respect me some absolut


                               I am a woman, I am average yet smart. Life for me is a game Not a difficult art. Sometimes I win and the other I lose Rest of the others force me To chase a wild goose. I am independent and strong enough to Handle my pain. When I bow and drop down Then also I am in gain. I don’t come to anyone To get help and support, Whether I am holidaying Or presented in a court. This attitude of mine drives Several to go insane. A few start staring and the others Show their mane. They find problem in my dressing, Cooking and thinking. But I am sure somewhere  deep  Their manhood is sinking. As if I have donated Or mortgaged my life, Buddy I am a woman Before becoming your wife. A few traditional people  full of values and culture, Even sometimes call me A  Hyena  or vulture. They call me selfish, Greedy and a fool, Cause I am never caught In their trick-filled pool. They h